Harnessing The Flow - Trance Mediumship Success Through Flow States

Harnessing The Flow - Trance Mediumship Success Through Flow States

Harnessing The Flow - Trance Mediumship Success Through Flow States

  • Helen DaVita

  • 11 Oct 2023

  • 6 minute read

As we explore the complex tapestry of spiritual experiences, trance mediumship has received a lot of attention in recent years. This fascinating practise involves a medium entering a trance state, which may also be referred to as a ‘flow state,’ in order to connect with the spiritual realm.

Flow states are not usually spoken of in regards to trance mediumship, and it’s a conversation that is much needed by teachers of trance.

Authentic trance mediumship is a harmonious dance between the medium and the spirit, a symbiotic relationship that necessitates harmony, balance and self-development. 

The purpose of this article is to reveal the subtle relationship between reaching a flow state and successful trance mediumship. It ‘touches’ several facets of trance mediumship, such as history, practises, and the importance of flow states.

As we journey through this, we discover the significant impact of flow states on the trance mediumship phenomenon and how you, the reader, can use this information to develop your own spiritual practises.

What exactly is a Flow State?

A flow state is frequently described as being 'in the zone.' It's a mental condition in which you're so engrossed in what you're doing that you lose sight of time. Everything else fades into the distance.

The mind performs at its peak during this flow state, allowing for increased focus and performance. It's as if time has stopped, allowing you to totally immerse yourself in your activity with a clear, unobstructed vision.

• A sense of spirit influence, a lack of self-consciousness, and a change of time are common flow state characteristics of trance mediumship.

• Advantages might range from greater creativity, wisdom and productivity, to higher happiness and less stress.

 Flow states can be induced by a variety of activities, including painting, yoga, breathwork, meditation, running a marathon, a jamming session with musicians and even conducting trance mediumship. This deeply engaged condition is also fundamental for connecting with the spiritual realm.

Flow States' Role in Trance Mediumship

Flow states are essential in the practise of successful trance mediumship. This is due to the fact that being in a flow state can greatly improve the medium's ability to communicate with the spiritual realm.

When a medium achieves a flow state, they may experience increased focus and concentration. This enables individuals to ‘tune out’ from extraneous distractions and fully immerse themselves in the spirit communication process.

 Furthermore, mediums in a flow state frequently report greater psychic ability and a deeper connection with their spirit communicators. Many people report feeling as if they are not just in the presence of spirits, but also a part of them and the spiritual world in which they live (the latter being a likely explanation as to why some mediums mistakenly feel the spirit has taken over them). As a result, attaining a flow state might be viewed as a critical aspect in successful and true trance mediumship.

How to Enter a Trance Mediumship Flow State

 Attaining the elusive flow state is critical in the art of trance psychic mediumship. Here are some practical techniques to achieve this level of concentration and absorption:

1. Start with a clear mind and a peaceful setting. This includes removing any distractions and creating a calm environment to facilitate mental mediumship. 

2. Relaxation: Deep breathing exercises and progressive muscular relaxation can assist you in entering a light trance, which can then be deepened into a full trance mediumship state. 

3. Repetition: Regular practise helps your mind and body adjust to the flow state. Over time, regular trance state induction makes it easier to enter the trance state.

Remember that patience and tenacity are essential components in acquiring any ability, especially in the esoteric realm of trance mediumship. Keep practising, and you'll eventually discover your flow. 

The Science of Trance Mediumship and Flow States

Neuroscience provides the key to understanding the relationship between flow states and trance mediumship. In a deep trance, the brain reveals altered patterns of activity, closely resembling those found in states of 'flow'. These states are frequently connected with peak performance because they are characterised by intense focus and total immersion in the activity at hand. 

Psychical experts' studies provide solid evidence of a link between these altered brain structures and heightened psychic ability. This lends credence to the notion that adopting a flow state can genuinely improve the experiences and effectiveness of a trance medium.

While additional research is needed to fully understand this link, available evidence suggests that establishing a flow state is not only advantageous, but also necessary for successful trance mediumship. 

Flow States in Trance Mediumship: Their History and Traditions 

Trance mediumship is not a novel concept in and of itself. For millennia, societies all over the world have used altered states of consciousness, also known as flow states, to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms. Trance states, for example, were frequently used in ancient shamanic practises for spiritual healing and interacting with spirit guides. 

Spiritualism over the past couple of centuries, is also associated with more people seeking relationships with their spirit communicators through trance mediumship workshops and private sittings. 

These historic traditions are profoundly founded in the ability to reach a real trance mediumship condition, similar to a flow state. It is critical to respect and comprehend these traditions in order to realise the full potential of trance mediumship. 

In summary: 

·       Flow states, also known as being "in the zone," play a crucial role in successful trance mediumship 

·       Flow states can be induced by various activities and can enhance creativity, productivity, and happiness 

·       In trance mediumship, flow states allow for heightened focus, concentration, and psychic ability 

·       Steps to achieve a flow state in trance mediumship include preparation, relaxation, and repetition 

·       Neuroscience shows a correlation between altered brain patterns in flow states and enhanced psychic abilities 

·       Trance mediumship has a long history and is deeply rooted in ancient traditions 

·       Patience and persistence are key in harnessing the flow whilst exploring spirit communication techniques

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