Exploring The World Of Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet

Exploring The World Of Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet

Exploring The World Of Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet

  • Helen DaVita

  • 14 minute read


Edgar Cayce, often referred to as the "sleeping prophet," was a renowned psychic who used his incredible abilities to unlock the mysteries of the human subconscious. In his lifetime, he provided in-depth analyses of hundreds of people’s lives, offering spiritual guidance and healing. Through his near-death experiences, Edgar Cayce was able to gain insight into the inner workings of the human psyche, setting the stage for an exploration of the spiritual and metaphysical realms.

Overview of Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) is one of the most well-known 'modern' figures in the history of spirituality and mysticism. He is often referred to as the “sleeping prophet” due to the fact that he was able to enter a trance-like state in which he could answer questions about past lives, health issues, and the future. During his life, he gave over 14,000 documented readings, which are still studied today as a source of insight into the human experience.

Cayce was born in Kentucky in 1877 and raised in a devoutly Christian family. Throughout his life, he maintained a deep interest in spirituality and often visited a local church to pray. However, his upbringing did not prevent him from developing an interest in other spiritual topics, such as dreams and the power of the mind.

At age 40, Cayce experienced a health crisis that eventually led him to begin giving readings. As a result of the readings, he was able to help many people find healing and spiritual clarity. He was also able to provide interesting insights into history, science, and the supernatural.

Cayce's readings were often written down and published, inspiring generations of individuals to seek out spiritual guidance and to explore the potential of the human mind. He was also a firm believer in reincarnation and the ability to have spiritual experiences through visualization and meditation.

The legacy of Edgar Cayce is still very much alive today, with many books, websites, and organizations dedicated to exploring the insights he provided during his lifetime. His work continues to provide a source of inspiration and guidance for many people seeking a deeper understanding of their lives and the world around them.

Early Life

As a child, Edgar demonstrated a prodigious aptitude for memorizing long passages from the Bible. He also frequently experienced vivid visions and prophetic dreams that would sometimes come true.

Edgar’s skill for self-hypnosis and trance-like states was first demonstrated when he was in his early twenties. During this time, Edgar and his friends frequently experimented with hypnosis, using it as a recreational activity. As Edgar grew older and became more adept at the technique, he began to use it for more practical purposes.

For example, Cayce used self-hypnosis to diagnose his own ailments. He was able to quickly diagnose his conditions and provide relatively accurate therapeutic advice. He also used self-hypnosis to provide readings for his friends and neighbours, offering advice and even medical diagnoses.

Cayce’s talent for self-hypnosis garnered him much attention from the medical community. He continued to practice his trance-like states and eventually gained the nickname “The Sleeping Prophet.” Edgar’s fame spread across the country as he gained a following of devotees who sought out his wisdom and advice.

Edgar Cayce eventually became a worldwide phenomenon and remains one of the most widely remembered psychics in the world. His influence and impact on alternative medicine is undeniable. Even today, many people swear by Edgar Cayce’s readings and advice, drawn in by his mysterious gifts and ‘sleeping prophecies’.

Career and Accomplishments

Edgar Cayce is recognised as a great figure in American esoteric history.  He achieved fame for his remarkable ability to enter into a deep trance-like state and “read” information about past and future events. He was an intuitive, clairvoyant healer and spiritual advisor whose work crossed over many boundaries in both the medical and spiritual fields.

In his lifetime, Edgar Cayce formed the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) in 1931 and established the Cayce Hospital in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He was a prolific writer, penning over 14,000 readings that were later compiled into various books on topics such as health, philosophy, psychic phenomena, and spirituality.

Cayce’s fame grew significantly after his death in 1945 when several of his former patients and colleagues, including Hugh Lynn Cayce, founded the A.R.E. and began to spread his teachings further. Hugh Lynn also formed a library containing all of Edgar’s readings, which would later become the basis of a thriving educational centre of the same name.

Due to Edgar Cayce’s remarkable accomplishments and enduring legacy, he is remembered as one of the most iconic psychic figures of the 20th century. He is credited with bringing the science of spirituality to the forefront of people’s awareness, and his teachings still influence the lives of millions of people around the world. His readings and insights continue to be studied and appreciated, and his work continues to inspire people to explore the power of the mind and the mysterious power of the universe.

Cayce's Practices

While most famous for his psychic readings, Cayce was also known for his philosophy and spiritual teachings. His practices focused largely on the importance of health, wellness and spiritual growth.

Cayce's main teaching, known as the Cayce philosophy, was based on the belief that all physical and spiritual manifestations, from disease to spiritual experiences, stemmed from the soul. He believed that in order to achieve true health and wellbeing, balance between the mind, body and spirit must be achieved. According to Cayce, the best way to do this was through dream interpretation, affirmations, and other forms of spiritual communication.

One way Cayce explored spiritual communication was through dream interpretation. He studied dreams closely, interpreting them as messages from the subconscious and using them to gauge spiritual growth and development. He also used dream interpretation as a way to diagnose physical ailments, believing that the root cause of physical ailments could be traced back to emotional and spiritual imbalances.

In addition to dream analysis, Cayce practiced affirmations. He believed that the subconscious could be reprogrammed through affirmations, allowing individuals to manifest their desired outcomes and manifest healing in their own lives. In essence, he was ahead of his time in the filed of neuroscience. He used affirmations to help people manifest spiritual and material goals, such as financial success and emotional wellbeing.

Cayce also incorporated a variety of other practices in his teachings. He was an advocate of meditation and believed that meditation was essential for spiritual growth. He also believed in the power of prayer and ritual and often tools of divination such as the tarot, to connect to the spiritual realm.

Overall, the practices of Edgar Cayce focused on achieving balance between the physical, mental, and spiritual. Through the use of affirmations, dream analysis, meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices, Cayce sought to promote spiritual growth and wellbeing in individuals. By combining these practices, Cayce firmly believed that we can understand our deepest desires and manifest them in our lives.

Healing Techniques

Cayce’s healing techniques are still widely studied today, and he is credited with introducing many alternative healing modalities to the United States. Cayce’s techniques ranged from the use of imagery and suggestion to psychic healing and dream interpretation.

Cayce’s most famous healing technique is called ‘Patient Tongue-Stretching’. This technique is used to relax the mind and body by focusing on stretching the tongue out of its natural shape. Cayce believed this would help to relax the nervous system and induce a deeper level of relaxation. During the process, he would suggest imagery to the patient, such as the idea of their tongue becoming longer and more flexible. This imagery would then be maintained while the patient concentrated on releasing tension throughout their body.

Another technique that Cayce employed was the use of hypnosis. He believed that hypnosis could bring about a deep state of relaxation and trance-like state of consciousness. Cayce also believed that this technique could be used to access the energy of the subconscious mind and that this energy could be tapped and used to treat various physical and psychological ailments.

One of the most intriguing techniques that Cayce used was a form of energy healing called ‘Radial Gazing’. Radial Gazing is a form of energy medicine that utilizes the power of visualisation, to restore balance and harmony to the body. In this technique, the patient is asked to visualise an object, or a person, or even a symbol and focus their attention on it. This object, or symbol, is viewed as a source of energy and is used to move energy healing through the body.

Finally, Cayce was well-known for his use of dream interpretation. He believed that dreams could provide insight into the underlying causes of physical and psychological ailments and that by interpreting these dreams, he could identify the source of the ailment and find a suitable treatment.

Spiritual Guidance

The teachings of the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce, have become increasingly popular in recent decades, and for good reason. His spiritual guidance has been sought out by many, as it offers a sense of hope and insight into a greater understanding of the universe.

Cayce's spiritual guidance was based on the ancient philosophy of karma, the belief that we are all connected, and our actions have an effect on our lives and the lives of others. He encouraged the importance of living a life of integrity and balance, as well as developing our own spiritual and intuitive wisdom. Cayce also believed in reincarnation and that our soul's journey is not just about this lifetime, but about multiple lifetimes. He taught that our souls will continue to evolve and that to find true spiritual guidance, we must connect to the presence of the Divine.

Cayce also believed in the power of prayer and meditation as a form of spiritual guidance. He taught that prayer can help us to open our hearts and minds to the power of love, to manifest the guidance we seek, and to extend our spiritual connection to others. By meditating on the teachings of Edgar Cayce, we can learn to become more spirituality conscious, allowing us to make wise choices and decisions.

Cayce encouraged us to "tap into the inner guidance that is within us all" and to develop our spiritual intuition. He also advocated for the practice of visualization and affirmation, claiming that when we are able to truly see our goals and desires, they will come to fruition. Ultimately, Cayce taught us to look to the Divine for answers, trusting that we can find answers to our most difficult questions if we are open to receive them.

Through his teachings, Edgar Cayce has left an incredible legacy of spiritual guidance that can help us live a more meaningful life.

Legacy of Edgar Cayce

Cayce's predictions and advice - which were provided while in a trance-like state - continue to be trusted and respected by people today. His teachings on health, philosophy, and spirituality have had a lasting impact on society. But what is his legacy?

Edgar Cayce is best known for his psychic readings which provided insight into health, past lives, and future events. He believed that life had an inherent purpose and that it was an individual's responsibility to uncover it. He encouraged people to use their free will to make decisions and take action, even if they seemed tough. To this day, people continue to seek his advice and his books and teachings remain popular.

In addition to his readings, Edgar Cayce developed a holistic approach to health which combines physical, emotional, and spiritual elements. He also believed that healing could be achieved through balanced nutrition, exercise, and the use of natural remedies. He stressed the importance of mental and emotional wellbeing and recommended lifestyle changes such as regular prayer, meditation, and journaling. His teachings on health remain influential in the medical and holistic health communities.

Edgar Cayce's influence on spirituality, religion, and philosophy is also far-reaching. He advocated for a personal connection with the divine through prayer and meditation and encouraged spiritual growth through self-discovery. He touched on many topics such as reincarnation, past and future events, the power of intuition, and the importance of discovering one's soul purpose in life. He also left behind a wealth of wisdom on topics such as service, leadership, and truth.

The legacy of Edgar Cayce is one of transformation and self-discovery. He left behind a timeless legacy that continues to inspire and teach people around the globe. His insight into health, spirituality, and philosophy are still relevant today and will continue to be for generations to come.

Influence on Society

The life of Edgar Cayce had a profound influence on society as a whole. He was a highly respected figure in the spiritual community and his teachings left lasting impacts in a variety of areas, from alternative medicine to metaphysics. He also contributed to a growing conversation about the possibilities of psychic abilities and the power of the unconscious mind.

One of Cayce's greatest contributions to society was his teachings about the power of holistic health. He helped popularize the notion that physical, mental, and spiritual health are intertwined and that health should be addressed holistically. This vision helped lay the groundwork for modern alternative medicine, as well as the concept of energy medicine. Cayce's belief that physical health is dependent on spiritual health also popularized the concept of chakras, the ancient belief that energy channels in the body can be balanced with spiritual practices.

Cayce's spiritual teachings also had a lasting impact on society. His teachings also emphasized the power of love and understanding, which helped spread the idea of tolerance and acceptance in society.

Finally, the prophecies that Cayce made during his sleep readings continue to be discussed and studied to this day. He made predictions about world leaders and world events that have been proven accurate, and his predictions continue to fascinate many to this day. Cayce's prophecies have also contributed to a greater conversation about the power of psychic abilities and continue to challenge the ideas of what is possible.

Overall, the legacy of Edgar Cayce has had a lasting impact on society. His teachings and readings continue to shape conversations about health, spirituality, and psychic abilities, and he continues to be an inspiration to many.

Modern Followers

The main source of information for Cayceans is Edgar Cayce’s extensive readings. These readings, which were first transcribed in the late 1920s, detail his prophecies and writings on a variety of topics. Cayce’s readings focus on the human soul’s journey in the afterlife, predictions of the future, and instructions on how to lead a spiritual life. Cayceans use these readings as a source of guidance, and many use them to shape the way they approach their lives.

To help support the growth and spread of Caycean beliefs, several organizations have been established. The main one:
The Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), which was founded by Cayce himself, is a prominent educational association dedicated to helping those who are interested in exploring the Caycean teachings.

Other organizations, such as the International Association of the Seers (IAS), are a network of followers that are committed to supporting each other in their spiritual journeys.

Cayce’s teachings continue to live on today, as his modern-day followers strive to learn from his wisdom and share his knowledge with others. Cayceans are committed to understanding his teachings and living a life that is in alignment with his beliefs.


Exploring the world of Edgar Cayce, reveals a man whose legacy has left an indelible mark in the history of spirituality and healing. Cayce was a self-taught healer and living spiritual guide, who believed in uncovering the hidden spiritual facts of the world. His practices and healing techniques have been studied and adopted by many, while his prophecies have had an undeniable impact on society. Cayce’s legacy continues to live on today in the form of books, lectures, and websites dedicated to his teachings. The life and works of Edgar Cayce serve as an inspiration for modern followers of his beliefs and for anyone who wishes to explore the spiritual world.