Tips On How To See The Aura

Tips On How To See The Aura

Tips On How To See The Aura

  • Helen DaVita

  • 31 Mar 2023

  • 2 minute read

Seeing auras is a skill that some people claim to possess, while others remain sceptical or seemingly unable to experience them.

Auras are said to be energy fields that surround living beings, reflecting their emotional, mental, and spiritual states. If you're interested in trying to see auras, here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Relax and clear your mind: To see auras, it's important to be in a relaxed and focused state. Take a few deep breaths and clear your mind of any distractions or stress.

2. Choose a suitable background: A plain, light-coloured background, such as a white or light grey wall, is ideal for practicing aura viewing. This will help you better differentiate the colours and shapes of the aura from the background.

3. Soften your gaze: Instead of focusing directly on the person, soften your gaze and look slightly past them. This allows your peripheral vision to pick up the aura's subtle energy.

4. Observe the subject: Start by observing the person or object you want to see the aura of. It's best to begin with a person, as they typically have a more pronounced aura. Ask them to stand or sit about 10 feet away from you and the light-coloured background.

5. Look for a glow or haze: As you observe the subject, pay attention to any glow or haze that appears around their body. This may start as a faint outline and may take time and practice to see more clearly.

6. Watch for colours: With time and practice, you might begin to see colours in the aura. Different colours are said to represent different emotions, thoughts, and energies. Remember that each person's aura is unique, so colours may vary.

7. Practice regularly: Like any skill, seeing auras takes time and practice. Be patient and keep trying, even if you don't see results immediately.

8. Meditate and develop intuition: Aura viewing is closely related to intuition and spiritual development. Regular meditation can help you improve your focus, increase your awareness, and develop your intuitive abilities.

Remember that seeing auras is a subjective experience. However, some people find it a meaningful practice for personal growth, spiritual, emotional and physical awareness.