The Quality Of Mediumship Is Not Strained

The Quality Of Mediumship Is Not Strained

The Quality Of Mediumship Is Not Strained

  • Helen DaVita

  • 28 Oct 2023

  • 4 minute read

In the evidential realms of mediumship, one event stands out as most popular, for its unique ability to provide tangible, verifiable information. It is the public demonstration of spirit communication.


This extraordinary discipline, steeped in spiritualist tradition and moulded for our times by modern mediums, offers a compelling bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. It serves as a conduit for messages from the departed, providing comfort, closure, and insights into some of life's most profound questions. Or rather it should.


The quality of mediumship is not strained, is a play on the first line of Portia’s monologue, ‘the quality of mercy is not strained’ from the Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare.

Nonetheless, the quality of mediumship should never be strained; it does not force or impose itself. Rather, it flows naturally from the authentic medium's innate abilities and their cultivated skills. It is a delicate balance of intuition and interpretation, a dance between the seen and unseen realms. The evidential medium navigates this dance with grace and precision, delivering messages with an authenticity that can be both startling, healing, enlightening, and deeply comforting.

Evidential Mediumship is not about vague impressions or generic statements. It demands specific, detailed information that can be validated by the recipient. This could be anything from a departed loved one's nickname, to their favourite song, or even a shared memory. The goals are to provide evidence - undeniable proof and reassurance, that life continues beyond physical death. That we are all eternal by nature and can nurture the presence of the spirit, in this world and the next.


Yet proof is elusive to many who witness demonstrations of poor attempts at mediumship, and the art of mediumship becomes sullied, ridiculed and frankly embarrassing.


Many will offer their opinions and share their experiences of witnessing poor mediumship, both online and offline. Some will do so and separate themselves from the substandard offerings. In doing so, they might project their respect of the sacred contract of evidential mediumship, between the two worlds. Others, simply despair after years of working so hard to improve the standards of mediumship and need to express that there should be a way forward – that there can be hope. The sceptics will feel justified.


When evidential mediumship is poorly executed in a public demonstration, some will blame the teachers, the churches, the circle leaders, whilst others direct their frustration at the medium on a more personal basis.


The truth is, the evidence is either missing or strained when the medium has never understood their own mind and the power of their spirit. To compensate, bland generic statements are all they can offer. They are frozen in a space of inexperience, lack of knowledge and a pressure to deliver something they are not ready for.


They need the guiding hand of someone experienced and brave enough to offer them help, whilst encouraging them to temporarily step back from public work. They may not appreciate this of course. They have been doing themselves, the spirit world and all of us no favours at all, and definitely not offering the quality of evidential mediumship.


If we can’t recognise and engage with the power of our own minds and our eternal spirit, we simply won’t be able to do it for someone who is now in the afterlife. Spiritual energy has a sympathetic resonance, which is commonly known as attunement. Communication needs skills of observation and an ability to express honestly, ethically and eloquently.


If we attempt to deliver mediumship without attunement, we are at risk of trampling on the grief of others and offering no hope, proof or reason for anyone to believe us. What the unattuned offer is banal, generic, boring words and a heap of disappointment – which is not evidential mediumship. Who are we kidding?


The ethical evidential medium, continually evolves spiritually, reads and listens, seeks avenues for furthering development, accepts well intended guidance with good grace, and shares a part of their own spirit with each communication.


In the Merchant of Venice, Portia continues her monologue with “It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath:” This is how evidential mediumship manifests naturally – gently dropping on the place beneath - without strain.


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