Intuition: A Powerful Tool for Spirit Communication

Intuition: A Powerful Tool for Spirit Communication

Intuition: A Powerful Tool for Spirit Communication

  • Helen DaVita

  • 5 minute read

There was a time in my mediumship career when everything appeared to be going smoothly. What I thought was an acceptable and decent quality of working with spirit seemed natural. People were heaping praise on my work and I was in demand for sittings and public demonstrations. I felt comfortable.

Comfortable is a dangerous place to be. It can lull us into believing we are doing well when we could be a much better version of ourselves. If we become complacent and believe the hype, we do ourselves, the public and the spirit world, a great disservice.

It was whilst I was working in Switzerland that I realised I had so much more to do and I would forever be a work in progress. I would never quite be ‘there.’ Nor would anyone else.

A student stood to give a demonstration on mediumship in my class, and it was the most phenomenal, evidential and meaningful experience of mediumship I have ever witnessed. The communication, presentation, and the power of the spirit were tangible, evidential, powerful, and accurate.

I may have had more experience than the student in terms of knowledge, teaching, and work experience, but I realised I had become complacent and satisfied, rather than striving to improve and move my mediumship forward.

Later that day, I sat down with the student and asked about their path of development and what they did to achieve such a high standard. The answer was she worked daily on her intuition, because intuition was the key to knowing enough about yourself and how receptive you can become.

For some mediums, evidential communication is the pinnacle, the gold standard of mediumship. Yet this is untrue for many reasons.

One reason may be that many ancient cultures did not focus on evidential mediumship, because they already knew that their ‘loved ones’ still continued after physical death. Instead, the focus was on communicating divine messages and wisdom.

Another reason evidential mediumship is not the pinnacle of mediumship is that many seek wisdom, guidance and answers for their own needs in this life.

If we consider the Oracles of Delphi, we see that intuitives or psychics were revered by many and in great demand, in ancient Greece, too.

Intuition, often referred to as the "sixth sense," is an innate ability that we all possess to varying degrees. This internal guidance system allows us to access wisdom and insight beyond our conscious awareness, providing us with valuable information that can help us navigate our lives and if required, the lives of others too.

For spirit communication, intuition plays a crucial role in interpreting the messages we receive from the spirit world. By developing our intuition, we can become more attuned to the subtle energies and frequencies that spirits use to communicate with us, leading to more accurate and insightful connections.

Intuition is a 'knowing' that transcends rational thought and logic. It is a bridge between our conscious and subconscious minds, allowing us to access information and understanding that may not be immediately apparent.

This deep knowing can come in various forms, such as gut feelings, flashes of insight, or a sudden sense of clarity. Although often dismissed as mere coincidence or imagination, intuition is a valuable tool that can provide us with guidance and direction in our spiritual communication.

We just need to know ourselves better and a communicating spirit will help us experience intuitive feelings and insights to express their communication.

I made a conscious decision to work on my intuition after meeting the student and the results were truly remarkable. I was understanding so much more from the spirit world, for it is all the language of energy and sensitivity.

Cultivating and strengthening our intuition can significantly enhance our ability to communicate with the spirit world. Here are some practical steps you can take to develop your intuition and improve your connection with the spirit realm:

1.   Practice meditation: Regular meditation helps quiet the mind and brings you into a receptive state that allows your intuition to flourish. By focusing on your breath, a mantra, or a visualisation, you can enter a meditative state that encourages the flow of intuitive insights.


2.   Pay attention to your body: Our bodies are often the first to provide us with intuitive signals, such as a tightening in the stomach, goosebumps, or a sudden change in temperature. By tuning into these physical sensations, you can learn to recognise and trust your intuitive guidance.


3.   Cultivate mindfulness: Practice being fully present in each moment, observing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. This heightened awareness can help you become more attuned to your intuition and the subtle energies around you.


4.   Trust your first impressions: When you encounter a situation or person, pay attention to your initial reaction, as it is often an accurate reflection of your intuitive guidance. Over time, you will learn to trust these instinctive responses and use them to inform your decisions and spiritual connections.


5.   Engage in intuitive exercises: Practice exercises that help develop your psychic senses, such as remote viewing, psychometry, or working with divination tools like tarot and oracle cards and pendulums. These activities can help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities and expand your awareness of the subtle energies and frequencies used in spirit communication.


By developing our intuitive abilities, we can become more attuned to the subtle energies and frequencies that spirits use to communicate with us, leading to more accurate and insightful connections.


In a few weeks, I will publish a new book I have written about intuition. It’s time to give intuition the gold standard and put it back in the spotlight again.



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