Dowsing for Health: Discover Your Path to Healing with Natural Energy

Dowsing for Health: Discover Your Path to Healing with Natural Energy

Dowsing for Health: Discover Your Path to Healing with Natural Energy

  • Helen DaVita

  • 30 Sep 2023

  • 7 minute read

Dowsing is a centuries-old technique for locating water, minerals, and other hidden objects. It entails tapping into the energy of the ground with a dowsing tool, such as a pendulum or dowsing rods, in order to obtain information. Dowsing, on the other hand, is not confined to finding actual objects. It can also be used to promote health and happiness.


The art of dowsing can be used to identify and rectify imbalances in the body and mind when it comes to health. It is founded on the idea that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is made out of energy. Dowsers can acquire insights into the core causes of health ailments and find strategies to restore balance by tapping into this energy.


Recognising the concept of energy healing


Energy healing is a holistic health and wellness method that focuses on balancing the energy within and around the body. It is founded on the idea that imbalances in our energy field might result in physical, emotional, and mental health problems.


Sound Therapy, Reiki and other energy healing modalities, acupuncture, and chakra balancing are all examples of energy healing. These practises function by eliminating energy field imbalances and restoring energy flow throughout the body.


Dowsing is a form of energy healing since it involves focussing on the body's and mind's subtle energies. Dowsers can discover areas of imbalance and employ various strategies to restore harmony by using dowsing equipment and procedures.

Dowsing for health has a long history.


Dowsing has been practised for thousands of years and has been used by tribes all over the world. It's believed by some to have originated in ancient Egypt, when it was employed to find water sources in the desert. However, it may have been known much earlier throughout the world.


Other reasons for dowsing throughout history and relevant today, include identifying minerals, and locating missing artefacts. It has, however, been used for health and healing.


Dowsing was thought to have been used to detect and treat ailments in ancient Greece. In ancient medical works, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, discussed the practise of dowsing. He believed dowsing may assist discovering the underlying causes of sickness and guide treatment.


Dowsing has recently been applied by alternative health practitioners to detect food sensitivities, allergies, and other health disorders. This is the case in applied kinesiology.  It has also been used to promote mental and emotional health.


How Dowsing Heals the Body and Mind


The art of dowsing works by tapping into the body's and mind's fundamental energies. It is founded on the idea that everything in the universe, including our bodies, is made up of energy. Dowsers can access this energy and acquire insights into the core causes of health problems by using dowsing tools and procedures.


Dowsing works in part by sensing energetic imbalances in the body. Dowsers can ask yes or no questions regarding specific health conditions using a pendulum or dowsing rods. The tool's movement can indicate whether or not there is an imbalance. It can also be used to determine the emotional or mental reasons of health problems. Dowsers may acquire insights into any unresolved emotions or beliefs that may be contributing to the problem by asking particular questions.


Dowsers employ a variety of approaches to restore balance and encourage healing once an imbalance or underlying root cause has been recognised. Energy clearing therapies, such as Reiki, sound healing, chakra balancing techniques, as well as lifestyle adjustments or other forms of therapy, may be recommended.


The various kinds of dowsing tools and techniques


Dowsing can be performed using a variety of tools and approaches. Pendulums and dowsing rods are the most commonly used tools.


A pendulum is a heavy object suspended on a chain or string. It can be formed of a variety of materials, including crystal, metal, or wood. The dowser asks a question while holding the chain or string of a pendulum. After then, the pendulum will swing in a specified direction to show the solution.


Dowsing rods are often constructed of metal or wood and formed in the shape of a L or Y. The dowser asks a question while holding the rods lightly in their hands. The rods will then move in a particular pattern to show the solution.


Other instruments and procedures for dowsing can be used in addition to pendulums and dowsing rods. Charts, maps, and even the dowser's own intuition are examples of these.

Dowsing for health advantages

Dowsing can provide numerous health and wellness benefits. One of the primary advantages is that it can assist in determining the fundamental causes of health imbalances. Dowsers may acquire insights into any imbalances or underlying factors that may be contributing to the problem by tapping into the energy of the body and mind.


Dowsing may also guide treatment and healing once the core problems have been recognised. Dowsers might use energy clearing techniques, lifestyle adjustments, or other forms of healing therapy to restore balance and improve wellbeing.


Another advantage of dowsing is that it allows people to take responsibility of their own health. Individuals who learn how to dowse can receive insights into their own energy field and make informed decisions regarding their health and wellbeing.


The function of intention and belief in health dowsing


Dowsing for health relies heavily on intention and belief. Dowsing is only effective if the dowser has a clear objective and believes in their abilities to attune to energy fields. The focused idea or goal that guides the dowsing technique is known as intention. Setting a clear aim before dowsing will help to guide the energy and focus the mind.


Dowsing and energy healing: the science behind it


While dowsing and energy healing are frequently seen to be outside the scope of traditional science, there is mounting evidence to support their efficacy. According to science, the human body emits electromagnetic radiation that may be measured and identified. This biofield is an energy field, that is thought to play a function in reflecting health and wellbeing. This energy field is also know by others as the auric field.


Dowsing can be viewed as a method of gaining access to and working with this energy field. Dowsers can tap into the subtle energies of the body and acquire insights into imbalances or underlying causes of health concerns by using dowsing equipment and techniques.

Dowsing for health: Ethical Considerations


When using dowsing for health, it is critical to examine ethical issues. Dowsing should never be used in place of expert medical advice or treatment. Any health issues should always be discussed with a skilled healthcare provider first, if there are concerns.


Dowsers must also approach their work with honesty and respect for others. Before dowsing for someone else's health, it is critical to seek consent and respect their privacy and limits. If someone who is receiveing dowsing asks to stop - then stop we must immediately.

How to Begin Dowsing for Your Own Health and Wellbeing


There are various steps you can take if you want to start dowsing for your personal health and well-being. To begin, it is critical to understand the various dowsing instruments and procedures. Books, online courses, and workshops are among the various materials accessible. Experiment with different tools and strategies to see what works best for you.


Following that, it is critical to create a positive mindset and confidence in your own ability. This can be accomplished through meditation, affirmations, or other self-confidence and trust-building practises.


Finally, it is critical to practise on a regular basis and to be patient with yourself. Dowsing is a technique that requires time and practise to master. The more you practise, the stronger your intuition and ability to reach the energy field will become.


Dowsing for health can be an effective strategy for increasing awareness of wellbeing. Dowsers can acquire insights into imbalances or underlying causes of health concerns by tapping into the energy of the body and psyche. Dowsing, with practise and a positive mindset, can empower people to take responsibility of their own health and make educated decisions about their wellbeing.

For pendulum dowsing read our blog HERE

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