Charging For Mediumship - Understanding the Ethics and Value

Charging For Mediumship - Understanding the Ethics and Value

Charging For Mediumship - Understanding the Ethics and Value

  • Helen DaVita

  • 1 Jun 2024

  • 3 minute read

Mediumship, the practice of communicating with spirits and providing messages from the other side, is a service that offers comfort, closure, and guidance. While some may question the ethics of charging for such services, there are several reasons why it is morally right for mediums to charge for their work. Mediumship requires significant time and effort. A medium must prepare for sessions, clear their mind, and focus their energy to connect with spirits. Additionally, many mediums spend years honing their abilities through practice, training, and education.

The Professional Nature of Mediumship

Charging for their time and effort is a fair exchange for the service provided. Charging for services establishes mediumship as a professional practice. When clients pay for a session, they are more likely to take the process seriously, which can lead to more meaningful and impactful experiences. This professional approach benefits both the medium and the client, ensuring that the interaction is respected and valued. Like any other professional service, mediumship requires resources.

Overhead Costs and Sustainability

Mediums need to cover expenses such as office space, utilities, and other overhead costs. By charging for their services, mediums can sustain their practice, continue to offer their skills to those in need, and maintain a stable livelihood. Charging for mediumship services helps establish clear ethical boundaries. When there is a financial exchange, it sets the expectation that the service is professional, reliable, and bound by certain standards. This can help prevent exploitation and ensure that clients receive genuine and ethical support.

"The guidance and comfort provided by mediumship can be invaluable to clients."

Valuing the Impact on Clients' Lives

Many people seek mediums to find closure, connect with loved ones, or gain insight into their lives. The value derived from these sessions can be profound, and charging for the service reflects this value. It acknowledges the impact that the medium's work has on the lives of their clients. Mediums possess unique skills that are not common. These abilities often require years of development and refinement.

Honoring the Skills of Mediums

Charging for their services is a way to respect and honor these skills. Just as professionals in other fields are compensated for their expertise, mediums deserve to be paid for their specialized abilities. When mediums charge for their services, they are motivated to provide the best possible experience for their clients. This creates a sense of accountability and encourages mediums to continuously improve their practice. Clients benefit from higher quality sessions and more dedicated practitioners.

Building a Fair and Ethical Practice

In conclusion, charging for mediumship services is morally right for many reasons. It compensates the medium for their time, effort, and skills, establishes the practice as a professional and respected service, and ensures that the medium can continue to offer their valuable support. By charging for their work, mediums create a fair and ethical exchange that benefits both the practitioner and the client.

Determining Rates

How much to charge will depend upon local rates, your experience and investment in mediumship, and your own personal experiences. Seek out what others are charging locally and decide where you fit in with their model of charging.


Charging for mediumship is not only ethical but also essential for maintaining a professional and sustainable practice. It ensures that clients receive genuine and impactful services while enabling mediums to continue honing their craft. By valuing the skills and efforts of mediums, we uphold the integrity and respect deserving of this unique and profound service.

Further Learning

For more information on the ethics and practices of mediumship, visit our new course on Evidential Sittings.